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Recycle and reuse spandex


  • Zhejiang Huahai Spandex Co., Ltd.

  • Asia-China-zhejiang

  • 1kg Recycle and reuse spandex

Recycle and reuse spandex

Carbon Footprint Message

System Boundary: Cradle to Gate

Reporting Period: 2023-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31

Total emission: 7.6820 kgCO₂e

Conclusion: After review, this certification is issued in accordance with relevant verification procedures to prove the authenticity and effectiveness of the disclosed content. Value of carbon footprint per declared unit of product: 7.682 kg CO2 equivalent.

Certification File

Product Carbon Footprint Verification

  • CQM

  • CQM2024CFP5Q0420

  • 2024-04-08

  • ISO 14067:2018

CQM logo

CEW Consortium Blockchain

  • 2024-05-01

  • 4667534

  • 0x231aaaaf3969e250f4735422de6a55c271eed79c8ff9f7905338c5d6088f5db7

  • 0xd43141a5ca295cb2bb35d811f5f041329ebb202641540ecb69623a8d935b0b97

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